What’s news in the ADHD world? I try my best to stay up to date on new discoveries and other relevant ADHD news. Researchers are constantly finding out more and more about the diagnosis effects 5% of America.

The emotional toll of ADHD
The emotional toll of ADHD and why no one talks about it
ADHD and Emotional Toll it takes on your life: Many people know that ADHD can affect a person’s behavior, temperament, and ability to function well in certain aspects of modern

July 14, 2018

what causes adhd
What causes ADHD? Are we born with it?
Although modern medicine has come a long way in terms of diagnosing, treating, and understanding Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, there still exists a lot of questions regarding the actual causes of

July 7, 2018

weightloss ADHD
Weight Lose vs. ADHD – A Never Ending Battle
It’s New Year’s Day, I wake up early, put on some leggings and an old t-shirt, and head to the gym. I’m really going to do it this year. I’m

May 22, 2018